Pastor Taiwo & Nomthi Odukoya Celebrate 5 Years Of Marriage

This week, precisely Monday, the 5th of January 2015 was my Pastor, Taiwo Odukoya's wedding anniversary with his wife, Pastor Nomthi Odukoya. 

Is just seems like yesterday when after the death of his first wife, Pastor Bimbo Odukoya during the Sosoliso plane crash on the 11th of December 2005.

Many people wondered how Pastor Taiwo was going to go on with life especially considering the bond between them and how used they were to each other during their 21 years of marriage.

It wasn't easy for this great man and he waited exactly 5 years after her death, before finally getting married to the beautiful and humble Pastor Nomthi on the 5th of January 2010. In the course of their marriage, God has blessed them with 2 wonderful boys.

I celebrate this couple because their lives inspire me every day especially Pastor Taiwo Odukoya's passion in reaching out to all and sundry. 

As a member of the Fountain of Life church, his ministration has made me realize that God is ALL you need to make it in life and that the word of God is the key to unlocking any bondage the devil might try to put you through.

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