Are We Starting To Relax On Ebola Preventive Measures?

So I finally allowed my children resume school today after incessant calls from their teachers and text messages from the school as well. Of course I went to the school alone myself yesterday to verify that Ebola preventive measures were in place and boy was I impressed.

The school had erected a structure at the entrance fitted with about 6 sinks and taps with liquid hand-wash in place and of course there were staff at the gate to check your temperature before you even get near the taps. Moving further to their classrooms, each floor has been fitted with sinks, taps and liquid wash as well.

With this, I had no choice than to allow them resume today although I begged them to stay till next week Monday but they cried and pleaded for me to allow them resume today. So committing them to God's hands as always and giving them their personal bottle of Hand Sanitizer, I took them to school and of course they were also excited at all the changes.

Now why all this narrative? simply because I wonder how long this will continue. Already in different parts of the state people are beginning to relax on the preventive measures. A bank close to my children's school have run out of hand sanitizer despite fitting a huge sanitizer dispenser at the entrance of the bank. The attendant that was holding the temperature gauge was gisting away and people were entering the bank without even being checked.

Not forgetting as well the suya spot near my house which was deserted a few weeks ago has started filling up again and of course traffic has started in the evenings caused by those coming to buy suya and not having adequate space to park. This is in contrast with the past few weeks where the suya spot was quite empty.

It seems because the government have announced that there is no case of people infected with the Ebola Virus anymore people have started to relax. Please let us still be very conscious of the fact that Ebola hasn't been eradicated worldwide and neighboring countries like Liberia,Sierra Leone and Guinea are still battling the spread.
Let us also be very cautious and still carry out the preventive measures like washing our hands regularly,watching the kind of meat we eat, making hand sanitizer our friend and most important of all being very prayerful because the days are really evil.

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