Ebola Enters The United Kingdom Through Scottish Nurse, Pauline Cafferkey

A Scottish nurse, Pauline Cafferkey is now the first Briton to be diagnosed with Ebola on UK soil. The 39 year old has been a nurse for 16 years and works at the Blantyre Health Centre in South Lancashire.

However, she flew out to Sierra Leone in November to work for Save the Children and colleagues who volunteered with her believe she may have contracted the deadly disease after attending a church service without wearing her hazard suit on Christmas morning.  

She is now in an isolation unit at the Royal Free Hospital in London after being flown from Glasgow few days ago surrounded by a large medical team in protective clothing. Nurse Cafferkey fell ill hours after she flew back to Scotland from Africa via Heathrow on Sunday.

One of her colleagues, Dr Deahl said that medical staff always wore hazard suits at work but some did not when they went out into the wider community and quite a number of them worshiped at a local church on Christmas Day without any protective gear.

Health officials are tracing the 71 other people who were on the British Airways flight from London to Glasgow and 2 other patients are currently being tested for Ebola in Aberdeen and Cornwall.

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