Positive Steps To Curb Ebola In Liberia As Drug Trials Start

In continuous steps to curb the spread of Ebola which is currently ravaging Liberia, drug trials have started at a Medecins Sans Frontieres centre.

The antiviral, Brincidofovir ,is being tested on Ebola patients on a voluntary basis and Oxford University scientists leading the research say initial results are expected in the next few months. 

Meanwhile, a study involving a similar drug, Favipiravir, began in Guinea in December.

Acording to BBC reports, more than 8,000 people have died from Ebola during this outbreak with the majority in the worst-affected countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The scientists at Oxford say Brincidofovir was chosen because it is effective against Ebola-infected cells in laboratories and has been deemed safe in more than 1,000 patients in trials against other viruses and can be given conveniently as a tablet.

I really hope it works and will be a positive breakthrough to this dreaded Ebola virus.

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