America And Five Arabic Countries Launch Attack Against ISIS

We sure need to be very prayerful as America and five Arabic countries have launched dozens of air strikes against Islamic terrorist group ISIS, killing at least 20 militants and blasting a series of its bases.
The attacks began with Tomahawk missiles, B1 bombers, F16, F18 and F22 strike fighters and drones involved. American air power was also backed by warplanes from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, all of whom are determined to destroy ISIS, which they see as a threat to their own governments.
Air strikes were launched from land bases in the Middle East, while the F18s were launched from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush, which is in the Persian Gulf and among the targets  hit according to reports were the city's governor's house, national hospital and the Equestrian Club. Other targets were hit in Deir al-Zor province in the north of Syria, where ISIS have gained territory.

Pentagon press secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby said the decision to launch the strikes was made yesterday, only hours before US Air Force and Navy pilots were given their missions and targets.

Kirby said the strikes were ordered by Army General Lloyd Austin, the commander of US forces in the Middle East and South Asia under authorization granted to him by the commander in chief.

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