After Losing 203Kg, Catrina Still Has "Folds" Of Issues!

Plenty of folds have indeed been left behind after 38 year old Catrina Raiford lost 203Kg through a gastric bypass.

On record as the world's fattest woman at that time and weighing 454Kg, she was bed-bound for 5 years and suffered breathing difficulties.

Her weight issues started, following sexual abuse when she was a child and she found comfort in sweet, sugary snacks and secret eating because she couldn't tell anybody about it.

By the age of 12, Catrina was so big that her mother had to start making her clothes as shops did not stock sizes large enough to fit her. In fact by the time she was 14, she had to be admitted to a psychiatric home for 8 months to help her deal with her overeating.

Finally losing half her body weight and feeling good with herself for the first time in years, Catrina is faced with the dilemma of 64kg of extra skin which is causing her serious medical issues including cellulitis, a skin infection.

She is now looking for about $10,000 for surgery to help get rid of this excess flesh.


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