Veteran comedian, Ali Baba Gives Advice On Potential And Branding

Asides being known for his jokes and pictures, veteran comedian, Ali Baba usually gives his 2 cents on vital issues that can help us all.

Most of us are trying to build a brand and stand out while doing it while for others, they have the potential but are yet to know how to go about it.

I stumbled on this tips from Ali Baba and decided to share as I have learnt quite a lot from it and I know it will help someone too.

You are familiar with the story of Moses in the Basket by now. However, the story may not just be about Moses, but about YOU! You see, your abilities or potential will remain a potential if you do not do what will make it a service that someone somewhere will have a need for. 

1. You have to discover what you have & what you can do to make it a service. The Hebrew woman knew that. 

2. Do a proper research, to know what is needed & by who. The woman knew Pharaoh's daughter needed a child. 

3. Get your packaging right. The basket did not only catch her eyes, it was packaged to meet her class. 

4. Quality of your service matters. The basket could have taken water & drowned the child. 

5. Location! Location!! Location!!! The basket could have been placed anywhere... But the information you gather during research of your market & potential client helps you determine the location of "ya makate". 

6. Timing is key. You do not start selling summer holiday tickets in summer. You sell the package before the summer hols. The Hebrew woman knew not just where but when the Princess comes around the river bank! 

7. Get tested hands to help you oversee your business. Not just tested hands but people who know what you plan to achieve & are in sync with your dreams, like Mariam, to guide you back on track if you float away from the river bank. Don't get an artiste manager that can't add value to your dreams & purpose! 

8. Let your after sales service be one that can keep the customer. Mariam went to call someone who Knows how to take care of the baby! 

9. Your brand must be identifiable & uniquely different. Soon as the princess saw the basket, she knew it was a Hebrew child. 

10. 'Take this child and nurse him for me & I will give you your wages'. Always have your job details & reward defined. That's the contract. Get a signed contract. Even if it's family. It was her child but she still got a contract. Artistes take note! 

11. Get people to look at your services from a distance and act upon the feedback they give you. How your product is doing in the market determines what you will do to improve it & make it better in a competitive market. 

12. Define your market! Top, middle or gbogbo Ero

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