How Ruth & Boaz Fellowship Helped Me Cope With Being A Single Mum

So many times people tell me, you are a strong woman because I am a single mum of 2 children and I smile and tell them it has been the Grace of God that has brought me thus far. Some think I am just being modest or just saying what has become a cliche answer in that kind of situation.

I remember a few years ago, 2010 to be exact, I had just lost my lucrative bank job with which I was forming 'Big Girl' with. There I was, a single mum, 2 dependants and no source of income. 

I sold practically everything of value that I had and then reality set in as there was nothing more to sell and no one to reach out to.

Then came the shame of changing my children from the high brow school they were attending because I couldn't afford it anymore and it was becoming very embarrassing for the children to be called out regularly for not being able to pay their school fees.

It was at this point when I was totally broken and downcast, that I came to know about the Ruth and Boaz ministry. Honestly, I didn't even have a penny to my name and I was even thinking of allowing the children stay home for a while till I could get myself together.

Getting to the Ruth and Boaz fellowship, I NEVER knew anyone but just attended their meetings where I got comfort through prayers and counselling as it seemed like I was losing my sanity. Initially I was ashamed about asking for help from them as I didn't know anybody there and was wondering how to go about it. 

I felt I had to personally know someone before my case could be heard but my friend, a member of the Fountain Of life Church, who introduced me to the fellowship said that was not the case and that I should just meet with the pastors in charge. Truth be told, I met with Pastor Tinu and I was blown away.

She comforted me and told me to even thank God the children had an opportunity of a foundation in that kind of school. She advised me to look for a cheaper school and bring the bill to the fellowship.

Brethren, the Ruth and Boaz fellowship payed for my children's school fees for the whole 2011 session which was 3 terms! Infact in 2012 when God eventually opened my book of remembrance and I got a job I had to write to them to stop paying as I now had a job that could help me pay the fees.

I want to encourage any single parent to get a support system like the Ruth and Boaz Fellowship. Asides helping me out financially, I learnt a lot from their conferences which hold every quarter which helped ground me spiritually and even emotionally through the various ministrations of Pastor Taiwo Odukoya.

Another Ruth and Boaz Conference comes up this Saturday, 20th of June at the Fountain of Life Church, 12 Industrial Street Off Town Planning Way, Ilupeju, Lagos by 2pm. If you are a single parent, matured single, divorcee or widow/widower, kindly attend and you will be glad you did.

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