Would You Buy A Ticket To Heaven For N20,000? Meet Couple Who Actually Sell

You hear some things and you wonder how people even think up such in the first place.

In Jacksonville, US, a couple Tito and Amanda Watts have been arrested for selling “golden tickets to heaven” to hundreds of people. 

The couple, sold the tickets on the street for $99.99 each and told buyers they were made from solid gold and each ticket reserved the buyer a spot in heaven!!

Now what beats me the most is that some people actually bought these tickets that had golden inscriptions of , ‘Ticket To Heaven – Admit One’  simply present the ticket at the pearly gates of heaven and you’re in.

They were eventually arrested by the police and Tito Watts insists that Jesus Christ gave the tickets to him to sell and that the police should arrest Jesus for the fake tickets instead of him.

Trust me this is no April fool joke as the police confiscated over $10,000 in cash from the sales they had already made.

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