The Five Star Woman Challenge

It has been said that a habit takes at least 21 days before it is formed, so also to make any meaningful progress in anything, you need to stick to it for about 21 days.

This is simply because when any behavior or pattern is repeated in that duration, one gets used to it. This includes diets, exercise routines and even goals.

With this in mind, The Five Star Woman, a non-for profit lifestyle, enrichment and empowerment media platform seeks to help the African woman achieve her highest potential in celebration of the International Women's Day.

The International Women's Day is always celebrated on the 8th of March  globally and it represents an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women.

In line with the theme of the International Women’s Day 2015 ‘Make it Happen’,  The Five Star Woman is organizing a 30 day challenge, which will be aimed at inspiring women across Nigeria to make a dream or goal happen. 

The Five Star Woman 30 Days Challenge seeks to encourage women to make a dream come true or start the process within a 30 day period; from 1st to 30th of March 2015. 

The goal can be a fitness goal; for example to loose 10kg in the next 30 days, a personal development goal; for example to learn a new skill or language in 30 days. It could also be a financial or business goal; like to write a business plan, start a new business or start a new savings habit within the 30 days.

There will be a Winners Presentation Ceremony Following the selection of the 10 most inspiring challenge results across categories. An event will be held in April to announce and celebrate the winners.  

To achieve this, 3 female achievers have been selected to serve at judges for the challenge to encourage transparency in the evaluation process. They are 5 Star Women in their own right and include:

Toyosi Akerele:

CEO Rise Networks. Toyosi is an award winning social enterpreneur and some of her recent awards include the Forbes 40 Most Influential Women Under 40She would bring her expertise to bear for people who want to start a business or social enterprise. 

Arese Ugwu: 

Arese is the founder of Smart Money with Arese. She is a celebrated wealth advisor and financial expert. She features regularly on Bella Naija and Y! Naija. She would bring her expertise to bear for people that have a financial goal. 

Uzo Orimalade: 

Uzo is the founder of Uzo Food Labs and Cup Cake Couture. She is an accomplished food nutritionist and food connoiseur. She features regularly on the Scoop on Ebony live TV and is a columnist on Bella Naija. She would bring her expertise to bare for people who have a weight loss or nutrition goal.  
Any woman interested in being part of this encouraging project can apply through the web portal 

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