Malawi Passes Law That Raises Marriage Age Of Girls From 15 To 18

With so much news of negative things happening worldwide left and right, it is great to find out that Malawi has passed a law banning child marriage. 

Prior to this, 1 in 8 girls in Malawi are usually married by age 15. This latest development is a huge milestone for Malawia country where half of the girls typically end up as child brides.

According to reports from Reuters, a parliamentarian, Jessie Kabwila helped push for the new legislation and said this new law is very important because a huge number of girls used to drop out of school because they were getting married with many dying from child birth.

Child marriage had been a cultural norm in Malawi due to the belief that girls should marry as early as possible to maximize their fertility. They were also married off early due to poverty, as parents have one less mouth to feed when their daughters leave the home.

Meanwhile, some legislators in the country are still pushing for the age to be raised to 21.

I really hope they stick to this new law and come to accept it.....oya Northern Nigeria, over to you!!

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