Are You Cheating? 7 Signs You Are Having An Emotional Affair

Many people often think its only when you get intimate with someone else physically that you cross the line into an affair. 

Unfortunately, there is also the emotional affair when you share deep things with someone else other than your spouse or the person you are in a relationship with.

Personally for me, your significant other should be your best friend and the first person you will always turn to in every situation asides God of course.

Below are 7 signs of emotional infidelity, if you find yourself guilty of anyone, kindly put a stop to it NOW and retrace your steps as 2014 winds down.

1. You spend a lot of emotional energy on the person. You end up sharing stuff that you don’t even share with your partner; hopes and dreams, things that would actually connect you to your partner.

2. You dress up for that person.

3. You make a point to find ways to spend time together either physically or online and that time becomes very important to you.

4. You feel guilty if your partner saw you together; you are doing things and saying things that you would never do or say in front of your spouse.

5. You share your feelings of marital or relationship dissatisfaction with that person.

6. You’re keeping secret the amount of time you’re spending with the person (including emailing, calling, texting and of course pinging).

7. You start to feel dependent on the emotional high that comes with the relationship.

The truth is these kind of feelings and connection can be hard
to stop but it CAN be stopped by cutting off that opening and outlet you have allowed. 

You need to start reducing the amount of time you spend talking or gisting with that person. When the urge comes (because it will) for you to reach out to that person, direct it to your significant other instead.

Gradually, you will stop depending on that person for emotional support and re-channel it to your significant other.

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