24 Year Old Lady Dies From Overdose Of Slimming Pills

For as long as I can remember, I have been battling with my weight right from when I was in secondary school which is about 25 years ago. I have done all sorts from exercise to taking concoctions both local and imported. Yes some have worked but many didn't which is why the battle continues.

However, one thing I have realised is that weight loss has to do with a lot of things asides just exercising and taking pills of all sorts. The most important thing is actually being in the right frame of mind in terms of being confident in who you are inspite of whatever size you find yourself.

This is because, there was a time I lost about 4 dress sizes and while every body were congratulating me on the massive weight loss of which yes, I looked great....deep inside, my problems were still there and life didn't just suddenly change and become better.

I recently came across an article in the Daily Mail newspaper about a young health worker, Cara Reynolds who died after taking an overdose of slimming pills because she broke up with her fiance.

According to her family, she bought a pack of Forza raspberry ketone ‘natural’ supplements from Amazon for £20 to help her lose weight, even though she was a size ten, her family said yesterday.

Cara swallowed a large number of the tablets which contained as much caffeine as 225 cans of Red Bull energy drink and medics tried to restart her heart more than 40 times but were unable to save her.

This has made her family call on retailers such as Holland and Barrett to stop selling raspberry ketones which I happen to have taken before which is why I was drawn to this story in the first place.

I am just using this medium to appeal to ladies everywhere trying to lose weight, please be careful about what you take all in a bid to lose weight. Some of this so called natural supplements do have major side effects that might sometimes be fatal.
Honestly, take it from a veteran in trying to lose weight over the years, the only thing that has worked has been reducing my food and exercising. My major exercise has been walking because that is the only form of exercise I can do consistently.

Yes I am still overweight but I am alive and taking it one day at a time with the battle of the bulge as I believe in better to be safe than sorry. Always remember you never gained all that weight in one day, one month or even one year so don't look for short cuts to make you lose it that fast!!!!!!!

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