How To Help Your Child Prepare For Exams

Due to the Ebola scare, most children resumed school late this term, however they will still need to take their exams rather early to be able to meet up with the school calender. My own children will start their exams by the end of this month and I know that obtains for quite a lot of schools as well.

The following tips are just to help them cope and prepare for their on coming exams and as always the bulk of the work starts with we the parents. I hope it helps.

Top Revision Tips

Revision should be active – reading through texts isn’t enough. Encourage your child to make notes, highlight key points and go over topics several times, making a bullet point-style list of the main elements at the end of each subject 
Break revision into chunks – hour long sessions followed by breaks at the end of each work well 
Make sure your child has all the essential books and materials 
Take the time to go through school notes with your child or listen while they revise a topic 

Build Their Confidence

Reassure your child that he or she is capable of passing – and that you are proud of their efforts. Pick up some past papers from school or online (ask teachers for advice) and help them to work through them. Realizing they can complete a paper in the required time can build their confidence around a subject.

Encourage Lateral Learning

Sticking to the textbooks isn’t enough: help your child to look beyond the set books to help them learn. For instance, if they are studying Shakespeare, rent out a film version of the play or take them to a theatre performance. If they are studying a specific event or period, take them to a suitable museum, and so on.

Look Online

There are plenty of websites that offer revision games and activities as well as practice papers with mark schemes. See ChildLine’s revision tips to beat exam stress or the BBC’s Bitesize site for tips on all the major exams.


Regular exercise, even a walk to the shops, will help your child to concentrate when she or he gets back to work. It can also help with sleep.

Get Them Eating

Discourage your child from eating lots of sugary snacks and drinks, as these can hamper concentration. Make sure your child eats regular light meals or sandwiches and encourage them to join family lunches or dinners - it's important to have a change of scene. And don’t forget a good breakfast on the morning of the exam.

Keep Calm

The best way to support your child during the stress of revision is to make home life as calm as possible. Make sure other members of the household are aware that your child is under pressure and that allowances are made. Try not to make too many demands on your child during exam time. Arguments are counter-productive and will only add unnecessary stress and distract from revision. 

Watch Out For Stress

Look out for signs of exam stress, including irritability, not sleeping well, poor appetite, negative outlook, headaches and stomach pains. Ask them how they are feeling and encourage them to talk to a teacher if they have real worries about a topic or are failing to keep things in perspective. 

Set The Alarm

Last but not least, make sure their alarm is set on the morning of their exams (and give them a nudge to get up as soon as it goes off): oversleeping and dashing off in a mad panic will increase anxiety and hinder their performance.


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