OMG Throwback! Bimztheory's Political Ambition In University Of Lagos

With the recent political events going on in the country, I guess it is no coincidence that I stumbled across my political campaign poster from waaaaaay back when I was undergraduate of the University of Lagos.

It was actually the 98/99 session, I was in my 300 level studying English and I can't even remember what pushed me into this political terrain because trust me it is definitely not what I would ever try again.

Okay now I remember...the only reason I tried was because as at that time the Newest Hall was just built in UNILAG and I was part of the first set of occupants, so I guess I felt like I owned the land(LOL!!)
My manifesto is indeed to die for.....(LWKMD) but I won't lie it was an exciting and scary experience especially on the day of the event when they were counting the final votes. I almost fainted with each count till it became obvious that I was "Buharised"  and  victorious.

I actually achieved quite a lot for the hostel as I got Fanta to sponsor my hall week which was the first time ever in the history of UNILAG that the Coca-Cola company would sponsor a university event. 

Infact at that time, Basorge Tariah was the hottest comedian and he was the MC of our special Hall Dinner(I sure wish I could still find pictures from that event trust me I am still digging for it and will share soon). 

Then it was DJ Shina that was bubbling alongside DJ Jimmy Jatt at that time and we got DJ Shina (I wonder what happened to him) to come perform for the whole week. Defunct group X-appeal also came to perform if I remember correctly.

The late Jaiye Aboderin was also one of the people that helped co-ordinate that event as the agency he worked forat that time handled the project for Fanta (may his gentle soul continue to rest in peace)

When I look back now, I thank God for how far I have come indeed. Would I try the political route again? Heck no!!!!But it definitely produced some people who are still in politics today like former Governorship aspirant in Ogun state, Kafilat Ogbara who was my classmate and also served in the Student Union government of that session.

Oh lest I forget....I crave what my arms used to look like back then unlike now that it looks like the Catholic Christian mother arms *runsaway*

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