Child Abuse And Sheer Wickedness

It is so sad to realise that people still see domestic help as being 'beneath them' or as 'nonentities', considering the fact that you entrust important personal things like cooking your food and taking care of your children to them.

Some people go as far as treating their domestic help as second class citizens,some don't even allow them eat the same food they eat,sit on chairs in their house,use same toilet in their house and so on.

When it comes to punishing them when they misbehave like our own natural born children are also prone to do sometimes,the punishment meted out to domestic help is always on a higher scale without considering the fact that they are human beings as well.

I remember when I was growing up, a family friend actually inserted raw pepper into her house help's private parts because the girl wet the bed with urine at night!!!The girl was in so much agony and eventually was rushed to the hospital.

There are so many horror stories on domestic helps being punished with the latest being one I came across on Linda Ikeji's blog this morning about a woman in Abuja, who made her house help sit on a hot electric cooker because she allegedly urinated in bed.

The pictures are so graphic I physically feel sick just seeing them and trying to imagine how painful it must be for the little girl. This is a call to anyone who sees domestic helps as inferior beings,remember time and chance happeneth to all men,they are serving you now due to some unfortunate circumstances in their various families. You never know what can happen tomorrow when fate smiles on them and they turn out in positions like yours.

Lets be considerate and fair in everything we do!!

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