Tips To Help Comment On This Blog

I have been getting so many complaints from you my darling blog readers as regards dropping comments on my blog posts and I have decided to address them as so many of you have been dropping comments via twitter, BBM, Whatsapp or Facebook.

There was initially a technical problem but it has now been rectified. I will now go through the steps with you so you find it easy and without any hitches;

The above usually shows at the end of every post, all you need to do is click on 'Post A Comment' It then takes you to the next page below.

From here, you click on the arrow in the ' Comment As :' which gives you a drop down box with different options, if you have a Gmail account and you want your name to show like mine is showing, you click that option and comment through that way, if not you click on anonymous(see below)

After this, you enter your comments and click 'Publish'

In order to check spam comments, Google has put a check in place which will pop up and ask you to prove you are human by typing what you see in the box, it could be letters or numbers as the case may be or you just click the box to indicate that you are not a robot 

Once you do this, you click Verify and then Publish and your comments shows below the post without any hitches!

Your comments mean a lot to me as I have stuff to give away and share with you my peeps and this will make it easier and fair.

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