Was Rihanna Actually The Worst Dressed??

Its no more news that Rihanna was practically naked at the Council Of Fashion Designers Of America awards(CFDA) a few days ago where she was presented the Fashion Icon Award by Anna Wintour the Editor-In-Chief of Vogue Magazine

The CFDA Fashion Awards is like the Oscars of Fashion and is set to honor excellence in fashion design as well as strengthen the influence and success of American Designers in the global economy.

And talking about the designers is exactly what I want to focus our attention on rather than what Rihanna wore. First and foremost, present at the awards were designers of serious repute but what struck me was what they were wearing.

How can designers whose clothes often run into thousands of dollars dress like this? It is so somehow I don’t even know what word to use.
Diane Von Furstenberg
This is Diane Von Furstenberg an American fashion designer known for her wrap dress and actually the president of the CFDA since 2006 wore for the awards.

Next on my list is Donna karan and Vera Wang...like seriously what are they wearing please??
Donna Karan and Vera Wang

Well last but not the least that drew my attention was Betsey Johnson who actually looked like she was in drag but I guess I shouldn't take it too personally because she is known for her weird designs.
Betsey Johnson

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