Wearing Flat Shoes Can Also Cause More Danger To Your Feet Than High Heels

Did you know that wearing flat shoes can actually cause serious foot problems as opposed to high heels? I came across this information somewhere on the internet and I was just shocked. This is because last Sunday I almost died in church from the pain caused by the supposedly ‘Sexy Killer’ heels I wore to church.
The shoes looked amazing when I bought them and they have platform soles which are supposed to give you balance and comfort. For where? I wore them and was practically limping and walking like a crab (if crabs ever try walking). In fact, when I finally walked/limped into church from my car (after spending like 15 minutes on the path that should take me like 5 minutes), immediately I got into church I removed the shoes and practically sat down during the whole of service.

I was now asking myself who sent me? Who was I trying to impress/oppress? Did it really make sense for me to have worn those sky high shoes all to remove them when I got to church. Besides, the way my church is built you can barely see the feet of people because of the kind of chairs in the auditorium. Boy did I crave for my ‘safe’ flat shoes. So you see why coming across an article that says wearing flat shoes can be dangerous would be disturbing to me because I see flat shoes as an easy way out.
According to British podiatrist Beverley Ashdown, flat shoes can cause serious foot and postural problems especially the ones that offer little or no support to the foot.

A 41 year old teaching assistant from Surrey, Uk, Michele Crow also learnt this the hard way when she was unable to walk and became reliant on regular doses of painkillers to get through the day. She had always preferred flat shoes to heels and wore them most of the time. It was when she went to the hospital for the pain that her doctor diagnosed ‘Plantar Fasciitis’ which is an inflammation of the thick band of tissue that runs between the heel and the arch of the foot.

According to the doctor, wearing flat, unsupportive shoes, such as flip-flops and old trainers, can cause the arch of the feet to drop and the ligaments and tendons in the base of the foot to overstretch or tear. Also, flat footwear can put a strain on ligaments and muscles as well as damage bones and nerves thereby causing back, hip or knee pain.
So the simple advice is to wear shoes that grip your feet(either flat or high) that have a cushioned base and are shaped to support the arches. There should also be good heel control such that they don’t tilt in or out when the shoes are worn. People with arch issues can try the exercise of rolling a small ball like a golf or tennis ball under your foot regularly.

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