A Plea To Us To Be Considerate

I was driving in traffic the other day and there was this young boy selling magazines that stopped by a taxi beside me to show a lady in the car his magazines. Interestingly she took one of the magazines and flipped through all the pages (I kid you not).

As she was flipping through, the traffic was gradually moving along and the young boy was in a mini run trying to keep up with the lady’s car. After what seemed like five minutes of which the lady had practically read through the whole magazine she then hands it back to the guy without buying it!!!

I was so pissed at this…I am not saying you shouldn’t flip through to see what you want to buy but for crying out loud please be considerate about these roadside hawkers. Most of them have been in the hot blazing sun just trying to earn a living and the least you can do is either patronize them or just let them be.

If you are actually guilty of this kind of act either knowingly or unknowingly I implore us to please put ourselves in that street trader’s shoes and imagine racing through the streets all day and then someone raises our hopes by seeming interested in what we are selling and then after a looonnnng inspection of our product just drops it and drives off!!

1 Response to "A Plea To Us To Be Considerate"

  1. Imagine if she'd dropped the magazine on the road in attempt to return it cos traffic was faster? Not beyond such a woman!


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