How Will You Like To Get Your Money Back From Church?

Wonders will surely never end in the Christian race as a church in Grapevine Texas has launched a 90-Day Tithe Challenge which encourages members of the church to put God to the test by bringing their tithes to the church!

Now the funny thing is that it comes with a Money Back Guarantee that states that, if you tithe for 90 days and God doesn't hold true to his promise of blessings in Malachi 3:10, the church will refund 100 percent of your tithe……hmnnnnn

Now Fellowship Church Texas is among numerous U.S. congregations that launch a 90-Day Challenge every year to encourage members who have not tithed regularly for the past six months or who do not tithe at all to contribute 10 percent of their income to their local church.

Infact if you conduct a Google search of "90 day challenge" it shows that several other U.S. churches actually carry out this 90 Day Tithing Challenge.

The Rock Church, a multi-campus megachurch in California led by Pastor Miles McPherson states on its website that the 90-Day Tithe Challenge is "designed to encourage you to trust God with your finances."

Another church, Laurel Ridge Community Church in Oakley, California, requires that participants of its tithe challenge agree that a refund can only be made 90 to 120 days after their first tithe payment.

This all kind of makes you wonder what exactly is going on doesn’t it??


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