Japanese Car-maker, Lexus, Produces Cardboard Car!

The Japanese have never been shy in their creativity and carmaker Lexus, have created replica of its popular sedan, from 1,700 laser-cut cardboard sheets!

The "origami car" was built in London by a team of 5 professional designers and modelers from specialist companies LaserCut Works and Scales & Models.

According to them, there were some elements of trial and error, but because they had all the resources needed in-house, the changes were easier to produce.

Each layer was given its own reference number to ensure it was assembled in the right sequence and the car was then hand-built over a three-month period.

Meanwhile, the cardboard cut-out car has a replica interior, functioning doors, headlights and rolling wheels. An electric motor mounted on its steel and aluminium frame allows the car to drive.

So would you be taking a ride in this cardboard car anytime soon?


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