Guatamela President Perez Resigns Amidst Corruption Charges & Vice President Alejandro Takes Over

The corruption allegations against Guatamela's President Otto Pérez Molina which I mentioned a few days ago 
( Click Here) has taken a new dimension.

According to reports from CNN, the 64 year old president submitted his resignation yesterday after Guatemala's Attorney General issued an arrest warrant to him in connection with a corruption investigation that has shaken the government and sparked protests. 

His resignation was accepted and Judge Miguel Angel Gálvez ordered that President Pérez Molina be held in the Matamoros jail in Guatemala City while his vice president, Alejandro Maldonado has been sworn in as successor.

According to the Attorney General's Office and a U.N. investigating commission, Pérez Molina and a group of close aides within his administration received bribes in exchange for lowering taxes for companies seeking to import products into Guatemala.

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