172 People Escape Death As British Airways Plane Catches Fire!

These 172 which include 159 passengers and 13 crew, are definitely in a thankful mode as they escaped death when the British Airways plane they were in caught fire on the runway at the Las Vegas airport yesterday.

Although 13 people were injured, it was due to sliding down the inflatable chutes to evacuate the Boeing 777 according to the Clark County Fire Department Deputy Chief ,Jon Klassen.

Reports from CNN indicate that the incident involved British Airways Flight 2276, which was bound for London's Gatwick Airport. One of the passengers said the plane was getting ready to take off when he heard a large sound and saw flames on the engine before the captain came on the intercom and told the passengers there was an emergency and they needed to evacuate.

Meanwhile, people have been criticizing passengers who took their luggage with them as the escaped the burning plane. Was it wrong for them to take their stuff?

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