Meet The Pastor Who Is Full Of Tattoos From Head To Toe.

Well that is exactly the way Pastor Nadia Bolz Weber looks and standing tall at over 6 feet, when she walks through the church doors, she immediately commands attention. 

Her trademark tattoos are very elaborate and colourful images which extend all the way up both arms and a closer look shows you that they are characters and scenes from the Bible!

Some of the images include the Angel Gabriel, Elizabeth and Zacharias for Advent, the creche scene for Christmas, Jesus in the desert for Lent, Good Friday and the crucifixion, the angel and the women at the empty tomb for Easter and Mary and the Apostles with flames on their heads for Pentecost.

However, Nadia Bolz Weber is very frank about her wild past and her character flaws and her road to the priesthood was via alcoholism and stand-up comedy. According to her, she was raised by very conservative church parents and had a very harsh religious upbringing but still grew up to be hooked on drugs after dropping out of college.

Her turning point was when one of her junkie friends killed himself and there was no one to preside at his funeral. After this, she went off to a Lutheran seminary and later started the church, House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver to minister to people often looked at as outcasts.

One third of her congregation is gay, lesbian or transgender and they celebrate that fact. They share roles and sing hymns unaccompanied, in the acapella tradition she brought from the Church of Christ where she grew up.

Pastor Bolz Weber has no prejudices about sexual identity or orientation, and no patience with the debates about sexuality that have ensnared so many churches, including her own Lutheran denomination. 

She wrote her autobiography titled, Pastrix: The Cranky Beautiful Faith of a Sinner and Saint,which has become a best seller and has become a sought-after speaker across and beyond the United States in traditional evangelical churches, among others.

Hmnnn.....would you attend her church?

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