15 Stockbroking Firms Risk Losing Their Licenses By NSE

15 stockbroking houses have been summoned by the Disciplinary Committee of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE, for failure to activate  their dealer member licences.  

They are to face the committee on the 27th of July to give reasons why disciplinary action should not be taken against them.

According to reports from This Day newspaper, if they fail to honor the invitation, the Disciplinary Committee shall proceed with the hearing which may lead to  the withdrawal of  the licences.

The firms are: Al-Pina Investment & Trust Comany Limited, BBL Asset Management Limited;Integrated & Allied Securities Limited; Multi Trust Securities Limited;  Standard Chartered Securities Limited; Translux Services Limited; Afro-Arab Investment Limited; Barakat Investment Limited;  Bosson Capital Assets Limited; Dealers Assets Management Limited; Enabell Capital & Investment Limited;First Express Limited; KFF Worldwide Solutions Limited; Kingdom Securities Limited and Silver & Gold Securities Limited.

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