We definitely have those moments when you feel like the whole world is ganging up against you. Personally, I have been having these feelings and coming across this article lifted me up which is why I decided to share. I hope it helps someone who really needs it.
1.) Help someone else.
When we are feeling down its hard not to make everything about us. But when we push through the negativity to offer someone else kindness it helps us to focus less on feeling negative and empowers us to plant seeds of the type of kindness we want to see more of around us.
When we are feeling down its hard not to make everything about us. But when we push through the negativity to offer someone else kindness it helps us to focus less on feeling negative and empowers us to plant seeds of the type of kindness we want to see more of around us.
2.) Get moving.
When we are sad many times we like to curl in a ball and be all by ourselves. However, sometimes this only provides an environment for our feelings to fester and grow out of control. Not only does a little physical activity help to clear our mind, it also helps to increase blood flow to help us feel physically better as well. From personal experience I can tell you a little exercise goes a long way. No need to run a 5k. A simple walk around the neighborhood might provide more relief than you think.
When we are sad many times we like to curl in a ball and be all by ourselves. However, sometimes this only provides an environment for our feelings to fester and grow out of control. Not only does a little physical activity help to clear our mind, it also helps to increase blood flow to help us feel physically better as well. From personal experience I can tell you a little exercise goes a long way. No need to run a 5k. A simple walk around the neighborhood might provide more relief than you think.
3.) Pray.
Talking to God about your problem can help you release some of the stress and it also takes your feelings to the One who can do something about it. So many times I’ve asked God to heal my heart or help me to improve my attitude and He’s helped beyond my expectation. When we seek God, we open ourselves up to receive more encouragement and strength than we could on our own.
4.) Count Your Blessings.
The best way to combat negativity is with gratitude. Not only does it take the focus off your issues and bad feelings but it also redirects your attention to the good and positive in your life. Many times we feel down when our thoughts are simply headed in the wrong direction. Taking time to think of what we already have and how blessed we are helps to get our thoughts and feelings back on track.
5.) Choose not to allow your feeling to control you.
Feelings help us to know how things are affecting us and how we are processing our life experiences. However, this does not mean we have to allow them to control our actions. Feeling down? Smile anyway. Be nice anyway. Keep living and moving forward. Soon enough you’ll realize things are not so bad and you’ll be glad you did not put your life on pause.
6.) Disconnect.
With social media and reality TV we have an inside view of those around us. Unfortunately this can sometimes lead to toxic feelings such as comparison, envy and insecurity. Many times its best to take our eyes off others and focus on the life God specifically designed for us to live. I promise it’s better than anything you’ll see on TV or Instagram.
7.) Realize God is greater.
In no way do I want to make light of your troubles or the things that have you feeling down. God understands and he cares. Jesus even tells us “in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV).
God is greater than whatever it is that has you feeling down. Believing this truth lightens our burden and grants a peace that goes deeper than our sad feelings. In the end it produces a fruit I like to call joy.
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