Record Breaking Surgery On Conjoined Twins At The Chest Comes Out Successful!!

For the first time ever, conjoined twins who were connected at the chest and abdomen have been separated after an operation that has never before been successfully attempted.

Knatalye Hope and Adeline Faith Mata were born in Texas last April and when they were born it was found they shared the same chest wall, lungs, pericardial sac (the lining of the heart), diaphragm, liver, intestines, colon and pelvis.

A team of more than 26 clinicians, including 12 surgeons, 6 anesthesiologists and 8 surgical nurses at the Texas Children's Hospital operated to separate the 10 month olds. 

The surgery took 26 hours and was successfully carried out, making it the first time twins conjoined at the chest and abdomen in this way had been separated successfully.

The parents, Elysse and John Eric were besides themselves with joy at the success and couldn't thank the surgeons enough for giving their daughters the chance to live separate lives.

In preparation for the major surgery earlier this month, the twins, underwent a 5 hour procedure in to place custom-made tissue expanders into their chest and abdomen. This tissue expanders helped to stretch their skin in preparation for their separation surgery.

Dr Darrell Cass, paediatric surgeon said this is the first time a separation surgery for thoraco-omphalo-ischiopagus twins with this particular configuration has been successful but the surgery had its challenges as the girls shared several organ systems.

The girls are now being cared for in the hospital's paediatric intensive care unit, where they will recover for the next couple of months as they will still have to undergo additional procedures in the future.

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