Nigerian Female Pastor & Activist Against Boko Haram,Wins Peace Prize Of $170,000

Campaigning against terrorism has brought a Nigerian female activist, Esther Ibanga, a cash prize of $170,000.

She has been campaigning against Islamist extremists, Boko Haram and was awarded a Japanese peace prize worth $170,000 yesterday.

Esther Ibanga gave up her lucrative 16 year career in Nigeria’s Central Bank to undertake this full-time ministry. 

According to the awarding body, Niwano Peace Foundation, Esther is a pastor and activist who has kept up a vocal protest against incessant kidnappings by the Boko Haram insurgents.

The foundation awarded her its 20 Million Yen annual prize because of the way she has tirelessly pressured the federal and state governments in her efforts to help fight back the insurgents.

She has also worked extensively to foster and facilitate reconciliation between conflicting religious and tribal groups, setting up an organisation that has all tribal women leaders on its membership.

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