Move Over Prince WIlliam & Kate As The Palace Of Monaco Releases Pictures Of Newborn Twins

We thought Britain's Prince George's pictures were the cutest but The Palace of Monaco have released a set of images of the twin babies born to the royal head of Monaco, Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Charlene.

The twins were born on the 10th of this month and their pictures were officially released yesterday. They were born at the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco which is named after Albert's mother, the late Hollywood star, Grace Kelly.

The cute babies have been named Gabriella and Jacques. However, Jacques will be the future Prince of Monaco, because of the Mediterranean principality's male inheritance laws. 

The babies are the first set of twins in the royal household, which dates back to the 13th Century and 42 cannon shots rung around Monaco, confirming that the babies had been born in place of the 21 that booms for a single baby.

They are also the first children for the 36 year old former South African Olympic swimmer Charlene, who married 56 year old Prince Albert II, 3 years ago.

Monaco is a sovereign city-state bordered by France and governed under a form of constitutional monarchy, with Prince Albert II as head of state. Their official language is French and the Euro is their sole currency.

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