Another Video Emerges Of Child Minder Beating Up 5 Year Old Boy Violently

Another video has emerged of a cruel babysitter kicking and hitting a year old boy because he refused to eat his food. In the video, 32 year old Heng Hsiao is seen dragging Shing Sun across the floor as she violently beat him at his house in Liaoning Province in China.

She had been left in charge of the boy while his parents went out to dinner, but a secret camera that they had installed to catch burglars revealed the nanny's disgusting behavior instead.

This comes just a few weeks after another video of a nanny abusing a child in such a manner in Uganda went viral and she was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment for assaulting a toddler in her care.

The video footage shows Heng forcefully feeding the little boy and then dragging him off the chair and battering him while shouting 'I will beat you to death'

According to the parents, she was a new baby sitter who seemed nice and when they got back home that night she said the boy was asleep. However when they went to check him, he was crying and shaking in fear which made them suspicious and check the camera to see the horror the boy had been subjected to.

Police are now investigating the brutal assault by Heng and the video footage could be used in evidence against her.

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