Chinco Versus Original, Which Would You Rather Buy?

A few days ago it became public knowledge that China had made a copy of the original Land Rover and was selling it at a price far below the original. Reacting to this, the chief executive officer of Jaguar Land Rover was  so angry that one of his flagship vehicles has been ripped-off so blatantly.

Unfortunately, these imitations which are only on sale in China are being produced within the Chinese law. It is also not only foreign cars that the Chinese copy, they also produce copies of luxurious brands worldwide.
Original Rolls Royce Phantom...250,000 Pounds
Imitation, 30,000 Pounds

However, seeing all of these, the question remains, would you buy an original at a high amount or rock an imitation for less? Don't forget that these imitations usually look so much like the original sometimes its even hard to tell the difference.

In the case of the Land Rover, the price difference is about 26 Thusand Pounds!!! So which would you go for? Don't lie o!! Lol

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