XXX....Is Pornography Cheating In A relationship?

Did you know that over 40 Million people(married and single people) worldwide regularly watch porn daily,? Oh yes! I came across this statistics by chance while looking for something to blog about and it just struck me that this is a huge issue that should be looked into.

It could also be because a married friend of mine complained to me just last week that she caught her darling husband watching porn in their house and masturbating himself in the middle of the night when she woke up to go to the toilet. Then you wonder why not just wake your wife up and have sex with her rather than the virtual stuff?
The truth is the effect of porn on relationships can be a silent killer as oftentime, people think there is nothing to it. The truth is that porn slowly takes over one's sense of rationale and before you know it you get addicted to watching it all the time. It is also a number one temptation facing more men than women.

Funny enough, what most people fail to realise is that the stuff you watch in pornographic movies is actually exaggerated to make it look so exciting and stimulating which now makes you start having ridiculous expectations of the actual sexual act.

Another fallacy is that some people feel viewing pornography cannot be considered as cheating, unfortunately that is not true. Consciously or unconsciously, that woman or man you have seen 'getting jiggy 'in the porn movie is being compared with your partner in your mind and when your partner falls short of that sexual expectation you start to have issues which might now lead to one of you straying outside your relationship to get better sexual fulfilment.
Another negative fact is that a porn addict is no different than a drug addict because they are both desperately trying to find that high that keeps eluding them. In the end, the addict either will seek help or watch his life fall apart piece by piece and porn is no exception.

So for the sake of your sanity, your relationship and your family, shut the porn down and if possible seek help. And before you start feeling sorry for yourself and feeling like there is no hope, remember that award winning gospel artiste, Kirk Franklin publicly announced his addiction to porn and how he has now been able to break it, so heads up and realise that porn addiction can be broken!

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