13 Year Old Hacks Into Online Retail Shop And Changes Price Of Items

Can you imagine being able to change the price of those expensive pair of shoes you have always wanted or that electrical appliance or in my own case being able to change the price of a tear rubber Hyundai IX35 from the millions it costs to like 100,000 Thousand Naira??(*opensteeth).

Well that's what 13 year old Chinese boy Wang Zhengyang did when he hacked into an online retail store and changed the price of an item from 2,500 Yuan to 1 Yuan (correct boy!! like one of my friends would say...Lol)

Wang has been described as China's 'Hacking Prodigy' as he is able to hack into almost any system. But the young lad says he wants to use his talent for good rather than for mischief although he was caught recently hacking into his school's website to get answers to a general homework.

Wang says he thinks people who hack all day for profit are immoral and should be brought to book. He metioned this at the 2014 Chinese Internet Security Conference recently held in Beijing.
(I haff hear but please just change that Hyundai price for me first then we go back to being good jor!!!)

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