Photos: Albino, Micheal Achu Wins Maiden Edition Of Reality TV Music Competition

I always love when the 'Underdog' wins and comes out tops in life especially in a widely publicized situation like the reality music competition, Star The Winner Is.

In the finale of the competition, albino Micheal Achu won not because he was the most talented but personally I will say because God was on his side. I refer to Micheal as the Underdog not in a derogatory manner, but because the truth is so many people usually see albinos as outcast and never expect much from them. 
However, people should realise that albinos have enough issues trying to cope with negative effects of their skin condition and having people stigmatize them can really be hurtful psychologically.

Meanwhile, Micheal Achu battled it out with Job Emmanuel and they were both given the opportunity to either walk away with 2 Million Naira or wait for the faculty votes and face the risk of losing everything or winning more money.

Job decided to play it safe and go for the 2 Million Naira, unfortunately when the votes were revealed he actually had the highest votes and could have won the 10 Million Naira prize money (na him village people follow am come...Lol)

Automatically, this gave Micheal the opportunity to go home with 10 Million Naira and a brand new car.

Congrats Micheal Achu.....please spend the money wisely!!

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