Ebola: Good News,No More Confirmed Case Of Ebola Virus In The Country

In some good news, the Minister of Health,Onyebuchi Chukwu has released a statement regarding the status of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Nigeria. He disclosed that for now there is no confirmed case of the Ebola Virus in any part of the country, as all the cases have now been treated apart from those being investigated.
According to him,the total number of confirmed cases of EVD in Nigeria currently stands at 19. They consist of 15 in Lagos and 4 in Port Harcourt.
The statement clarified the total number of deaths from EVD in Nigeria which stands at 7. In Lagos, 5 of this died 1 in a private hospital, the index case Mr. Sawyer, and the other 4 in the isolation ward. 2 of the 7 died in Port Harcourt, the medical doctor who died in a private hospital and the contact, a patient in the hospital at the time the doctor was also on admission,died in the isolation ward in Rivers State. As for patients who have been successfully managed and discharged,the number is 10.
Although there is a suspected case of EVD from Ile-Ife, a university student who had contact with the late Port Harcourt doctor at a naming ceremony,she has been quarantined and is being investigated. Lagos now has 16 contacts under surveillance while a total of 350 contacts who were previously on surveillance have been discharged having completed 21 days of observation.

The Federal Government has also reopened First Consultant Hospital in Obalende, Lagos where Liberian Patrick Sawyer, the man who imported Ebola Virus to Nigeria, died. They say the hospital has gone through three rounds of state-certified sanitization processes in line with the world standard and the hospital is now free to continue its professional health care services to patients.

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