Gmail Users Advised To Change Password Due To Security Breach

If you are Gmail user, you are being advised to change your password because a database with usernames and passwords was hacked into and has been exposed on an internet site.
Hackers revealed nearly 5 million Gmail account details and passwords on Bitcoin Security a popular Russian website devoted to cryptocurrency. The leak became known after a user posted a link to the log-in credentials on Reddit which is frequented by professional and aspiring hackers.
The person who leaked the details said the account holders were English, Russian, and Spanish and 60 percent of the accounts were active.
A representative of Google, Svetlana Anurova said Google is aware of the security breach and has advised users to change passwords as the passwords  give access to Gmail and other Google services such as Drive and the mobile payment system Google Wallet.
They also advise users to enable a two-step verification, a security measure where users are required to provide a passcode sent to their mobile devices before any changes can be made to their account.
Speaking further, the Google spokesman confirmed that many of the passwords in question were likely taken from a website other than Google as they have no evidence that their systems had been compromised and that the security of users information is of top priority to them.
So better be safe than sorry and change your Gmail password NOW!!!

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