Kids Finally On Vacation....What To Do? my children are finally on vacation and in as much as I have been looking forward to having a break from the hustle and bustle of school runs especially with the traffic of taking them to and from school, there now comes the issue of how to keep them busy during this long summer break.

I know most people have plans to travel abroad with the kids and take them for one sight seeing or the other as well as shopping sprees but for those of us that don't have such plans what do we do?

Ideally,the truth is we already have plans to send them off for summer school so the school runs will still continue somewhat, but this time they will be wearing mufty as opposed to school uniforms(Lol) But I want to encourage us to also see it as a time  to bond more with our kids as we will be seeing them more often than when school was in session.

Also lets be careful about the places we send them to for holidays because according to research,Child Sexual Abuse is actually higher during vacations especially when children go to stay at places where their parents are not present for a long time.

We should also think of interesting ways of keeping them busy so they don't get bored because trust me after a few days at home the next complain will be 'mummy I am bored lets go out' and then going out is a nice option but what about the financial implication especially if you are not as buoyant as you would like to be?

Don't despair though because there are actually some cheaper ways to create fun for your children. This is the time to get many interesting children magazines and novels that would engage them outside of normal school books.You can also organize trips like packing a picnic and going to the beach together(maybe some roasted chicken and drinks) the fun is in you guys playing together at the beach.

And with the advent of shopping malls now in Nigeria,you could take them window shopping and after walking through the mall reward them with ice-cream or food which won't necessarily break your bank account.

Its also a time to schedule visits with family and friends you haven't seen in a while...children always love the company of other children so while you adults are catching up,the kids will surely keep themselves busy.

Don't also forget to stock up the house with loads of food,snacks and tidbits because they will ALWAYS be hungry and want something to nibble on....and last but not the least,please make sure your cable TV subscription is paid for or you stock up on different movies/cartoons for the DVD.

I wish you a happy vacation and don't forget whatever you do...MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR KIDS BETTER THIS HOLIDAY!!!!

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