Selfie Of Life!!

Honestly,how stupid can one be? Well a 27 year old lady has proven the definition of stupid as she was arrested for stealing after posting a selfie of herself wearing a stolen dress online(21st century paro...Lol!)

Danielle Stockton from Illinois allegedly stole a leopard print outfit and jewelry from a boutique and few hours later uploaded four images of herself wearing the dress to Facebook not knowing that the owner of the boutique had posted details of the theft also with pictures on the store's Facebook page as well.

And of course someone saw the picture connected the dots and the police were called in and she was arrested...oops,i almost forgot to mention she actually made the selfie her profile picture!!!(how dumb is that?)

I guess social media does have its very positive sides asides some drawbacks....this is what I would call 'SELFIE OF LIFE'!

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