Drama Unfolds In The NFF As Court Nullifies Election Of Amaju Pinnick

Honestly why is there always so much politics as regards election in Nigeria? A Federal court in Jos has just nullified the election of the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF that brought in Amaju Pinnick as the new president.

This was done yesterday by Justice Ambrose Allagoa of the Federal High Court Jos who ruled against the NFF elections in Warri of September 30 as well as the congress preceding it.

Meanwhile, the executive committee of the NFF has filed for appeal against the ruling of the Federal High Court.
All of this election drama is actually putting Nigeria at risk of another FIFA ban as the World football governing body have warned that should anything hinder the newly elected NFF executive committee led by Pinnick from operating, they will move for an automatic ban for the country till the next FIFA congress in May 2015.

This is just like the series we love to watch on TV…I just wonder which season this will be filed under.

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