Does The Ability To Use Social Media Mean You Are Computer Literate???

Me:Can you use the computer? 

Tama:Yes ma

Me:Ok write me an article using a Word Document.

Tama: Is it on twitter or facebook ma?

Trust me this is not a joke and it actually happened a couple of days ago.

This is a seemingly bright young lady who is a graduate from a Federal University and doesn't know how to use the computer.

I even went as far as opening excel spreadsheet and she was lost(not that I am a guru on excel myself) and by the time I opened PowerPoint she just had a blank stare on her face.

In the course of the week I now decided to conduct an indirect survey on some people and realised that many people only know how to use social media platforms on computers and not the actual computer applications themselves.

So I ask,Is computer literacy the ability to browse,use Facebook,Twitter and other social media applications?

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