Dbanj's Mama Is A Year Older!

Fi..le...(don't touch it!!)that is a slang synonymous with Eja Nla himself Dbanj, who continues to make the news with not only his musical prowess but his entertainment value and business deals(Koko Garri anyone?)

Well today is not about Dbanj,Banger Lee,Kiniun Funfun or whatever name he is going by these days but about his mother,Mrs Florence Oyebanjo.

Mrs Florence Oyebanjo And Family
I have heard all sorts of positive things about this woman who stood by her son through thick and thin especially at a time when most parents wouldn't have wanted their children to venture into something as seemingly fickle as music(although reverse is the case these days as everyone now wants to sing or rap including my 9 year old son!)

So three hearty Gbosas for Dbanj's mum as she turns 61 years old....

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