Hate Not The New Month Bc's

Today is the first day of the fifth month of this year and I am sure you have been getting so many greetings and prayers of ‘Happy New Month’. Initially I used to be angry at this greeting because I felt it just wasn’t necessary afterall it should only be the “Happy New Year’ greeting that should be important considering the fact that one made it through the hustle and bustle of 12 months and crossed over into the New Year.

Another thing that used to piss me off was the way my phone will be flooded with messages especially my blackberry messenger which would have series of Happy New Month broadcast messages from even people that haven’t pinged you in ages to say ‘hi’

Well I have to say I have repented from this because it is indeed a privilege to see a new day how much more a new month. We shouldn’t take the gift of life for granted because it’s just a split second between life and death and so many people die everyday.

That route you ply everyday, some other people have lost their lives on it, many others have also died on that same public transportation you board every day and for those that drive their cars, you might have been driving for years without any accident and someone that just started driving has died of a ghastly accident. Also, many people that you saw just a few days ago or that you spoke to just a few minutes ago have died but you are still alive!!!!!

So I say Happy New Month of May to everyone, congrats on making it to see another month and may God allow us see many more by His special Grace……….

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