You May Kiss The Brides!!!!

Kenya officially signed a bill into law yesterday that now makes polygamy legal in the country but trust us in Nigeria its been legalized years ago although before then it was recognized under customary law.The Northern states in the country recognize polygamous marriages as being equivalent to monogamous marriages.

Now Kenya has 42 tribes and this law allows men marry as many women as they can as long as they can afford it……hmnn I happen to know many men who are not even financially stable marrying more than one wife is that actually fair?

Meanwhile a lawyer in Kenya,Judy Thongori said the new law signed by President Uhuru Kenyatta is long overdue as polygamy has more positive than negative attributes. I don’t quite agree with that statement though because I come from a polygamous family and I can say the love was not spread equally(so also the money…Lol)

Also there is bound to be a kind of imbalance in most polygamous relationships because it is just not possible to love people equally and no matter how much the man might try to hide it, his favorite woman will be obvious to all. He will also go the extra mile for this particular woman and her children thereby breeding some form of animosity among some or all of them.

While I will not out rightly say I am against polygamy per se even though some religions permit it, its negative effects for me personally outweigh the positive. There have been cases of psychological and emotional abuse which affects not only the women but also the children involved for years to come…what say ye??


  1. Polygamy is a no no for me , the disadvantages outweigh the so called advantages.

  2. I agree. Polygamy a no no


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