Weight Matters

I have never been a slim person, infact right from my childhood I have always been on the chubby side. In secondary school when my mates were stick thin I already had a rounded body frame. And for as long as I can remember I have always been on one diet or the other or using one herbal supplement or the other…still yet I am not a size zero!!!!(lol)

However over the years with my yoyo dieting and watching my weight, one thing I have come to realize is that whether you are a size 0 or a size 20,asides health issues, what is most important is that you feel good about yourself and that you are confident in who you are and the body you have.

There was a time I lost so much weight and went down from a size 20 to a size 12/14 but I still wasn’t as happy as I thought I would be and the sexy guys still didn’t come (Lol). I think I even had more male appreciation when I was bigger which I guess was because my self esteem was still low in a slim body.

Self esteem is very key because it reflects an overall emotional valuation of your worth as a human being and the truth is, the way you feel about yourself has a way of reflecting on how you would be addressed by other people.

Weight loss companies are always cashing out with their products because the truth is as women we would spend anything just to be beautiful and acceptable by others in the society. While this is not necessary a bad thing, it is important that if you need to lose weight you do it safely.

Don’t just hop on the latest weight loss fad or supplement just because someone tells you about it. Thank God for Google, you can actually go on the internet and learn about the product inside out and this includes all the ingredients supposedly in them. I have read of cases where so many people have died because they used a particular weight loss product that was actually dangerous to their health.

Meanwhile, the issue of being fat is a general issue that transcends beyond Nigeria or Africa. I came across an article on the internet where a fat woman in Los Angeles said she's tired of Hollywood's obsession with perfection and says you can be on the big side and still have good self esteem.

She took it a step further and protested in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard by wearing a bikini and walking around despite the fact that she weights 260pounds(around 117kg) While you may or may not agree with Amani Terrell's method, no one can argue with her message of loving yourself at any size.  She knows she needs to lose weight but in the meantime, she refuses to be down on herself. 

 So to us ladies on the big side we can actually work on it by reducing our food, more fruits, plenty water and a form of exercise even if it is just walking (sounds cliché I know) but it is the truth. I used to weigh 106kg and now I have come down a lot (don’t bother I won’t reveal the new weight as it is work in progress…lol) but it has been and is still a gradual process, no more crash diets for me.

Being slim and fit is a lifestyle so I have just changed what I eat, the way I eat and the time I eat and I can tell you for free that even without any rigorous exercise the weight has been coming off gradually. Of course I want to wear those slinky and sexy clothes but I am not ready to kill myself to achieve that and you shouldn’t too!!!!

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