Oyinbo Pepper

Oyinbo pepper if u “licki” pepper u go yellow more more!!!

Who remembers this song from way back when we used to be very young? It was about being light skinned and 'oyinbo' was a term used to indicate white people who are naturally of this skin tone.

I remember a few years ago I used to hang out with this very light skinned friend of mine and we used to go out together a lot. Now I realised anytime we go to events like parties, clubs etc she was the one that got all d attention even when we are both dressed to the hilt.

Now I am not exactly an ugly duckling and neither was my friend a beauty queen but it seemed her being light skinned made her more attractive. So I took it upon myself to tweak my complexion a bit with 'toning' cream which isn't supposed to bleach your skin but make you look lighter(crazy right?Lol)

Skin whitening, lightening, or bleaching is using chemical substances in an attempt to lighten skin tone or provide an even skin complexion. Though some of these chemicals are effective, some have proved to be toxic and in fact known to cause cancer.

Well I started using this cream in a tube and I kid you not, in about 3wks people started to rave about my skin, I actually started to turn into 'oyinbo' gradually by getting lighter and I started to get more attention.

Hmnnn....with this development, I bought more of this cream practically in a carton and was using it faithfully especially for my face and neck and being a sharp business minded woman I even started to sell to other ladies and trust me I made serious bucks cos when I got compliments on my new 'fair' skin I would tell them what I used to accomplish this.

Now fast forward to a few months later and I noticed my veins had started to show vividly on my skin. Whenever I was in the sun and my arms were exposed u could see a criss cross of green all over which were my veins showing because my skin was gradually becoming very 'transparent' as opposed to my former dark skin tone.

I ignored this and wore more long sleeved outfits but a few days later I broke out in acne and serious pimples that stood out on my face and chest. They were dark compared to my new lightened skin tone,then the worst of all, the upper part of my cheeks now started to get dark in comparison to the lower parts....arghhhhh I was getting burnt like toast bread!!!

Now get this, my naturally light skinned friend now told me the bad news that the sun was burning my new 'man made' skin tone and she gave me a list of cleansing liquid,sun screen cream and soap I had to start using to stop this negative reaction!!!

I set out to get this stuff because by now all those who raved about how beautiful I looked had started to point out that I was now looking wierd and funny!!!! Oh and the worst part was all these items to help clear these dark patches cost practically an arm and a leg....they were more expensive than the tube cream which made me lighter in the first place.

It took me about 7 weeks to become 'oyinbo' but it took me over 5mths to clear the dark patches and acne which were negative side effects of this action and I forgot to mention that by the time I was done I was darker than when I started out!!

Now why am I going on about this? I stumbled on an advert on facebook a few days ago talking about skin lightening injections!!!! You get injected with this stuff and you become light skinned overnight.

What caught my attention was the number of replies this post generated....thousands of women were asking “how much is it? Please inbox me the price and where do i get it”

I won't even go into the long list of 'celebrities' that have bleached their skin in various shades and manner and you see black knuckles here and there.

People, black is beautiful! You can actually be successful as a dark skinned person contrary to seemingly public outcry to the contrary. The rave of the moment, Kenyan Lupita Nyongo is VERY dark skinned and has won various awards including the coveted Oscar award in the US. In fact just a few days ago she topped the list of most beautiful person in the world on People magazine which is no mean feat.

Let us become comfortable in whatever skin tone we have been given naturally by God because there is always a downside in trying to change it. Like the slogan of a popular advert says... “if it no be Pandadol, it no fit be like Panadol”

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