Would You Unfriend Your Partner On Social Media As Research Shows Its Toxic To Relationships?

The advent of social media in its various forms have actually added so much pressure on relationships and a research recently conducted showed that so many break ups in relationships has been due to social media either through chatting via Facebook, Twitter etc.

It has even become so common to find couples sitting together but spending more time on their phones rather than communicating with each other and a new word has been coined to classify such action which is called Phubbing!

Phubbing is the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by spending time on your phone. Meanwhile, P-phubbing is when you ignore a partner while concentrating on your phone.

The term Phubbing was coined in 2013 and is a portmanteau of the words 'phone' and 'snubbing', the additional 'p' stands for 'partner' and was added by researchers from Baylor University.

Furthermore, relationship expert and New York based therapist, Ian Kerner, says couples who delete each other on Facebook are more likely to stay together. He even suggests that unfriending your significant other on social media can put the spark back into a relationship.

According to him, technology has become a major issue that keeps cropping up in couple's therapy as most couples are spending less time talking to each other face-to-face thereby causing miscommunication and arguments.

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