When Being Fat Actually Makes You Popular.....Meet Whitney Thore!

It is not unusual for people to insult those who are very fat or obese by telling them to go on a diet or even ask them to stop eating completely. Unfortunately for some people like Whitney Thore, it is actually not their fault that they are so big.

31 year old Whitney has been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, PCOS, a condition which causes weight gain as the body has difficulty using insulin, the hormone which normally helps convert sugars and starches from foods into energy. Therefore excess sugar remains in the bloodstream, which is sent to the liver, where it is then converted into fat.

According to her, many people who are overweight are suffering from this condition and not laziness or greed. 


However, despite this, she hasn't allowed it weigh her down but rather has even become popular with her dancing the first of which gained her over 2 Million views on Youtube and led to her having her own reality show, Fat Girl Dancing which airs on TLC.

She says she would like to lose some weight though so she can fit in a plane seat and also have children but for now, she is in a happy place with her career and doting boyfriend.


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