When Chewing Gum Lands You In The Hospital!

This story caught my attention because I love chewing gum a lot (like everyday sef!)

Claire Embleton from Liverpool used to chew sugar-free gum for up to seven hours a day and this habit has left her unable to open her mouth as the joints of the side of her mouth are wrecked!

According to her, she always believed chewing gum was healthy especially the sugar free brands hence she chewed after eating and drinking until one day while chewing she heard a click in her mouth and her jaw suddenly snapped shut and she couldn't open her mouth.

It left her in a lot of pain and getting to the hospital, a doctor told her chewing gum had overworked her jaw and worn out the joints! Claire now faces major jaw replacement operation to fix her worn-out jaw as a surgeon has to cut into the side of her face to replace the joints with metal plates as she can hardly talk or even eat well.

Meanwhile, British Dental Association scientific adviser Damien Walmsley says chewing in moderation especially after a meal, can benefit oral health but excessive strain on the jaw whether through excess chewing or tooth grinding, can lead to a number of problems ranging from jaw pain and stiffness, to headaches and difficulty in jaw movement. 


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