When Will We Protest....Another Container Falls & Kills 4 People!

Just last week, I was bitterly complaining about the hazards of containers on the roads and the way they have been killing people.

Another unfortunate accident happened over this weekend and unlike the one that happened on Anthony Oshodi road, the occupants of this vehicle were not so lucky.

The trailer carrying a container fell on a car conveying a family of six at Finotel Junction, along Enugu-Onitsha Expressway, Awka, Anambra State killing 4 out of the 6 people in the car.

Which way forward please? this is getting out of hand and like I said in my post about containers last week, let us get vocal about this on social media so the attention of relevant authorities are drawn to it. 

The odds that it could happen to someone we know continues to increase by the day!

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